
Pydeck-carto is available from pip and conda.

It is recommended to always use a virtual environment. to prevent collisions with other libraries installed on the system

Pydeck-carto is a wrapper of Pydeck to use CARTO, so it is a requirement that will be installed automatically.

Via pip

pip install pydeck-carto

Via conda

conda install -c conda-forge pydeck-carto

Using it on Jupyter notebook


Jupyter-specific features are not currently supported in pydeck v0.9+.

In order to use the library in Jupyter notebook (or jupyter lab) requires that pydeck would be properly enabled

Please follow the latest instructions to enable pydeck for Jupyter here

jupyter nbextension install --sys-prefix --symlink --overwrite --py pydeck
jupyter nbextension enable --sys-prefix --py pydeck

To enable pydeck for JupyterLab (on Mac/Unix-like systems):

jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
DECKGL_SEMVER=`python -c "import pydeck; print(pydeck.frontend_semver.DECKGL_SEMVER)"`
jupyter labextension install$DECKGL_SEMVER